Sunday, October 02, 2005

Create an Excel Spreadsheet dynamically using ColdFusion

Best way to create an Excel spreadsheet dynamically using ColdFusion.

There are many occasions when I have to prepare the Excel Reports from database. I have two options

  • I run SQL query in query analyzer and open the Excel and copy the results.

  • I copy the query in my ColdFusion code and create the Excel File dynamically.

The advantages of the second options are:

  • I save lots of time

  • I can save the code file for future use.

  • I do not have to open two different programs (MS SQL and MS Excel) to do one simple job. I am able to do it right away in my HTML Editor. I use Dream Weaver but one can use Notepad.

  • I can give the name of the Excel file on the file.

  • If the data is changed, complete process can be done automatically running the same code again.

  • If we use cfschedule to run the schedule task, we can create the dynamic Excel file with dynamic name everytime.

I can produce Excel file in ColdFusion using dynamic data and dynamic file name on the fly.


<cfquery datasource="MyDataSourceHere" name="qryAccessData">
SELECT Field1, Field2, FieldN
FROM AccessTable

<!--- cfheader will create the xls file download on fly (run of code) --->
<cfheader name="content-disposition" value="inline;filename=AccessToExcelDump.xls"> <!--- Mime type which will create the content type of Excel --->
<cfcontent type="application/msexcel">
<table border="1">
</tr><cfoutput query="qryAccessData">

Online Reference:

